Fueling People's Vintage Dreams Since 2012
In Colorado's Front Range Foothills between Morrison and Conifer
We are Karen and Ken, vintage travel trailer owners and enthusiasts. Our passion is finding, fixing, refurbishing and customizing these sweet old things for YOU! We'll also STORE them or SELL them on consignment for you if you need to sell! WE HAVE USED VINTAGE PARTS TOO!
CALL (or text or carrier pigeon)(LOL): 720-229-8511
Storage is available to anybody with a vintage travel trailer! Your baby will be stored outside. A strong, good quality tarp/cover will be needed for protection against elements. If you don't want to deal with that, we can provide a tarp for a fee. A discount on seasonal storage rates is offered! Storage is also available to our buyers who need a place to work on their trailer. Power is available and consultation can be provided. Vintage-Travel-Trailer is NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE IN ANY MANNER for any damages during storage.